FOUNT bags are made with quality in mind and intended to last for years to come. Our focus is to create leather goods that will be passed down from generation to generation as heirlooms. We take pride in our craftsmanship and, should anything function incorrectly or break on our account, we will be happy to assist you. Repair requests are reviewed and assessed case by case. Please click here to fill in the Repair Request Form if needed.

Our leather gets better over the years and it naturally softens up from the body of the bag to the straps. The majority of our leather will patina over time, the color of your bag will likely change, starting at the corners of your bag and working its way into the body of the bag, emphasizing the unique characteristics of the leather grain. This period of transformation ranges due to wear and environment. This patina process is expected and doesn’t require repair—it’s exactly what makes our bags unique and beautiful!

For more information on how your leather should be wearing, take a look at our Leather Guide. We do offer a lifetime guarantee on our hand sewn straps—we’ve never had a pair break—as well as a two year warranty on our zippers. We do not accept repair requests for stains. Regular use of our leather cream is suggested to help prevent stains, but the best thing you can do is avoid contact with wine, oils, pen ink and other substances that could permanently stain your bag. Our best suggestions for stains are listed in our Leather Guide.